
Senin, 02 Februari 2015

life hacks : decorating with washi tape

decorating with washi tape

cord organization using washi tape
1.kamu bisa menggunakan washi tape untuk menandai kabel pada stop kontak

And washi tape to your binder clips to make them FANTASTIC! | 56 Adorable Ways To Decorate With Washi Tape. Source:
2.kamu bisa mendecor ulang penjepit kertas

Create tiny bookmarks. | 56 Adorable Ways To Decorate With Washi Tape
3.atau melakukan hal yang sama pada paper clip

I really loved it! Leaf Cable Sticker by Masako Sato - Teresa Restegui
4.atau untuk mendecor kabel pada tembok

MacGyver move: Identify cords and chargers using washi tape. #DIY #lifehack
5.atau mendecor hanphone charger

10 Ways to Make a Dorm Room Feel Like Home - Dorm Room DIYs - Good Housekeeping Know where I could use this.
6.atau menutupi pinggir dari desk

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