
Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

LIFE HACKS:camping tips

LIFE HACKS:camping tips 

; homemade charcoal grill | Many of these DIY camping skills can be used for both survival as well as self sufficiency - here's to ingenuity!!
1.make this from acan and alumunium foil
6 Strategies to Lighten Your Bug Out Bag -Posted March 31, 2014 By Creek
2.gulung bajumu untuk menghemat tempat
Point a head lamp into a jug of water for an instant lantern. | 41 Camping Hacks That Are Borderline Genius
3. hack a huge lamp dari senter dan galon

Remember this during pool season - Fill container with vinegar, sugar and salt to trap wasps... Ill be placing these around the yard this year!
4.penangkap serangga hanya butuh veinegar atau cuka gula dan garam pda sebuah wadah ini cukup berhasl

homemade matches waterproofStore matches in mason jar. Add a piece of sand paper in the cap to strike the matches.

5.berikan sedikit nail polish untuk membuat korek api menjadi waterproof

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